Christian Leaders - JESUS would NEVER EVER be a "meat eater" TODAY. STOP. Go Vegan for JESUS' Sake.

  • por: Michael Harris
  • destinatário: BIG BIG Christian Church Leaders and Evangelists.

When enough People sign these Church Leaders and Evangelists will Change.

These are the Church Leaders and Evangelists that I am aiming at - Examples.

Church Leaders :

The Pope of the Catholic Church, with all the Catholic Ministers around-the-whole-wide-World. The Head, as well as all the Ministers/Pastors of each and every Protestant Denomination.


Evangelists :


Andrew Wommack; Andre and Jenny Roebert; Angus Buchan; Basil Tyron; Beth Moore; Bill Winston; Bobby Schuller; Brian Houstan; Creflo Dollar; David Jeremiah; David Prince; Ed Young; Franklin Graham; Jerry Carolyn and Terri Savelle; Jessy Duplant; Jimmy Swaggart; Joel Osteen; John and Matthew Hagee; Joseph Prince; Joyce Meyer; Kenneth and Gloria Copeland; Ray McCauley; Reinhardt Bonka; Rick Warren; Rodney Howard-Brown; Stephan Munsey; Theo Wolmarans; TD Jakes; and many others.

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